On this blog my wonderful mom will post letters from my mission in Indiana. If you would like to read them, they will be here :) And you can even follow by email, if you want. Purdy cool.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Greetings to the three people that read this blog!

It's been yet another week of adventures, but not quite as many from the standpoint of missionary work.
Monday night we had tornadoes! It was purdy exciting. Our power went out at about 1:00 in the morning. There was a lot of rain, thunder and lightning. Tuesday morning we weren't sure what had actually happened. We were purdy excited when we found this pile of branches that sorta fell on this truck in our complex.
That evening we saw this, and suddenly the branches didn't seem so significant
​Luckily, our power came back on at about 2:00 in the afternoon. Even the Warsaw and Plymouth sisters had lost power. The Mishawaka sisters lost power and water, so they came over to our place to shower. The zone leaders were without power for about two days. So fun!

The next day we had exchanges with the Mishawaka sisters, which was a good time. One of them is brand new missionary, and she is really great, and the other sister is a wonderful trainer for her. They are doing purdy miraculous things in their area.

Thursday we had Mission Leadership Council, so we left at like 6:45 AM to be in Fishers by 10:00 AM. There's nothin' like a spending 6 hours in a van for a 6 hour meeting. But, as always, it was tremendously enlightening and inspirational. We talked about key indicators, persuasion, and conversion, and ate Chinese food. Not to mention seeing all our missionary buddies :)

​Elders Rider, Lowry, Bair, and Johnson, and Sister McKendrick and me--the survivors of the epic journey.

Friday, we were supposed to plan in the morning, and then have preparation day for the rest of the day (and be out 'til 10:30!) So we planned, and then A invited us over for pizza 'cause she wanted us to come over. She loves us a lot. "Y'all are like my daughters. You can call me mom if you want to" She is super funny too :)
​Me and "Sister A" 

Then we went and wandered around Notre Dame campus for a little bit. This is me and Sister McKendrick in front of a building that may or may not be significant.

​We had been instructed to spend as much of the day as possible with members engaging in their 4th of July festivities, so all the missionaries had been invited to a Luau that was being hosted by a family in our ward, so that was our plan for the rest of the time. They had some cool Polynesian dancing going on, so we enjoyed that, but when that was over things started to get sketchy. So the sisters decided to leave. Apparently members up here don't like us that much 'cause it was the only 4th of July plans that any of us (out of 7 sets of missionaries) had been invited to. So we went to the church building and played ultimate frisbee, chair soccer, and the cup game. It was a blast.

Finally on Saturday we got some work done. A passed her baptismal interview!! We met with J, who is finally getting into the Book of Mormon, consequently his addictions have been significantly easier to hold off on. Purdy amazing :) That evening we met a woman whose daughter and grandson had joined the church a couple years ago. She had sat in in a lot of their lessons, but hadn't converted. We talked to her about her concerns, and we'll be seeing her again tonight :)

We were hoping that this next week might be more productive, but we found out yesterday we have a surprise Mission Leadership Council this Wednesday. We are also are going to Elkhart to help the sisters get some things going in their area all day tomorrow. We're planning on ThursdayFriday  zone training, and A's baptism is on Saturday. We'll see if we ever have time to get things done ;)

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