On this blog my wonderful mom will post letters from my mission in Indiana. If you would like to read them, they will be here :) And you can even follow by email, if you want. Purdy cool.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Final Mission Post!

Well. I'll be home tomorrow. So I s'pose this is my final mission post. Kinda crazy.

We had a good week. We invited T's daughter to be baptized on Dec 13th along with her mom. She seemed a little hesitant, and then said, "Could we do it sooner?" I think that's the only time we've said no--'cause we've got too much to teach before then!

Thanksgiving was wonderful. People in Columbus are brilliant. In addition to the turkey bowl, they also had a good soccer game going on. It was so nice to play again! After that, we went over to a member's house for feasting and games. Then we went home and watched "17 Miracles." We ended the night by playing Volleyball with the elders.

Well...I didn't bring my planner with me today, so I don't remember what else happened this week.

I was reflecting a little bit yesterday on the things I've learned on my mission. Here's some thoughts:

Prayer: If we are communicating--really communicating--with our Father in Heaven, including expressing gratitude, accounting to Him, and seeking His guidance, we will not go astray (as long as we act according to that guidance)

Scripture study: The word of God truly is the Iron Rod. As we wedge in the time to study the scriptures in our busy lives, it is reflective of our priorities, and helps us change accordingly. It improves our clarity, focus, and family life.

Church attendance: There is nothing greater we can do to decrease the disparity between what we know and what we do, than to take the sacrament sincerely every week.

These are things I knew to be true before my mission--but I know them much better now after seeing the differences they have made in the lives of others, as well as in my own life.

Throughout the Book of Mormon, the phrase, "inasmuch as ye shall keep the commandments, ye shall prosper in the land" pops up all over the place. I learned that to be true, too. When I was doing my best to do what I was supposed to be doing, we had success and miracles. When I didn't do my best, we didn't have success or miracles. Obedience is real.

That is all for today. I am so grateful I came on a mission. My thoughts are probably best expressed throughout Alma 26:

"I do not boast in my own strength nor in my own widsom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God."

"I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things."

"I cannot say the smallest part which I feel. Who could have supposed that our God would have been so merciful"

"Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: God...and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."

"And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul."

"God is mindful of every people"

Okay. That's it for real.

Much love,

Sister Bowen

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